Proposed Zoning and Stormwater Updates
On December 14th at 7:00 PM the Board of Supervisors will consider code updates requiring sewage treatment facilities proposed for higher density developments be located in the zoning districts that permit such developments.
The Board will also consider code updates increasing parking requirements for townhouse developments to 2.5 spaces per unit and adding requirements relating to proximity of parking for new townhouses. /DocumentCenter/View/843/Ordinance-2023-03-Zoning-Updates-Draft
Finally, the Board will consider standards that require stormwater management be based on cumulative impervious surfaces beginning as of the date of adoption of these standards. /DocumentCenter/View/844/Ordinance-2023-04-Stormwater-Updates-Draft
Copies of the proposed standards are available on this township website in the Document Center under Ordinances. Hard copies are available at the Township building during business hours.