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Water Quality Ordinance Advertised

Ordinance 2024-03 concerning changes to the Sub-Division and Land Development Ordinance has been advertised following public discussion by the Board of Supervisors. Residents are welcome to review the ordinance at the Township Building during normal working hours. The ordinance requires developers to conduct testing to interested property owners nearby any future development projects. The ordinance can also be viewed HERE


The government of Upper Frederick has NOT shut down.  A number of factors led to the resignation of the Township Manager in February and more recently the Township Secretary.  The Board is in the process of interviewing individuals for the position of Township Manager.  The Township Secretary has agreed to continue on a part time basis so the business of the Township will continue while these positions are being filled.  There will be no disruptions to the other employees of the Township while the Township is going through this transition.  Residents with concerns may contact the Township Building as usual and their calls will be returned in a timely manner.

Township Office Closure

Beginning, Thursday, May 16, 2024 Upper Frederick Township Office will be closed due to staffing shortages. Should you require assistance or need to make an appointment, please call 610-754-6436 and leave a message. Messages will be checked frequently and calls will be returned ASAP. Should you need to drop off paperwork, permits or payments, you may place them in the mail slot to the left of the front door at the Township Building. Box will be checked frequently and paperwork will be processed.

Volunteer Positions

The Township is still accepting applications for Planning Commission Members, Open Space Committee Members, Auditor & UCC/Board of Appeals. Please submit a volunteer form to the township.

Community Day September 30th 2023

Mark your calendars! We are pleased to announce the return of Community Day to be held Saturday, September 30th 2023 from 10 AM to 3 PM at Frederick Friendship Park, 3205 Big Rd, Zieglerville, PA 19492.

Fire Hydrant Flow Capacity Study

Upper Frederick Township is looking for a qualified professional to conduct an evaluation of options to increase the flow capacity of the water system at the Perkiomen Crossing development in Upper Frederick Township, Pennsylvania.

Proposals shall be submitted to Tracy Tackett, Township Manager by August 9, 2022 at 4:00 PM.

Study details are provided in the Specification document below.